Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Letter as of  3/24/2014

First week back in a family ward was a success :)
It was soo funny. Our first lesson we had with a family was Friday night.  Sister Falke and I  both looked at each other and realized we had completely forgotten how to teach kids! It ended out working great but it was definitely different than teaching YSA, although they sometimes acted like kids as well. :)
Someone shared this really awesome lesson plan to do with kids, and we put it into action and it went wonderful. Its called "Charity Chair" You have the kids sit one at a time on the Charity Chair, and their siblings tell them one thing that they love about the person on the chair. After they each take turns, we tell them a very special guest has come, and its His turn to sit on the chair. We then place a photo of Jesus Christ on it, and have the kids go around saying one thing they love about Him. We talk about Charity and invite the kids to follow Christ's example on what they said they each liked about him. So cute!
Turns out the Elders that we share the ward with teach an average of 10 lessons.. So there's room for improvement in that area haha. Dove Valley has never had Sisters, and so they were really welcoming to us. We taught 15 active member lessons alone last week, not including less active and investigator lessons. Our Ward Mission Leader, brother Seaman looked like he was going to cry when he found out our numbers. He's been really discouraged in his calling because of the lack of work in DV, but we're going to change that.
Our Bishop, Bishop Bell, is inviting everyone in the ward to read Power of Every Day Missionaries, and has passed out a copy to nearly everyone in the ward. We got permission from President Toombs to read it so we could talk to the members about it, and it is completely fantastic. We've been reading it together in companionship study, and then whenever we are in the car haha. Sometimes we'll read it right before we go to bed, we honestly cant get enough of it. You should read it! Its changing how I view missionary work, and its the best. Do it. :)
Sister Falke and I are getting along better than ever. I love her! This past week has been so great. Hopefully yours will be as well!
Love you lots and lots.
-Sister Jessica Cannon :)
PS  We went to the temple on Wednesday! I saw Sister Mall there :) (Sis Mall was her last companion)

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