Letter written Aug 20, 2013
Hey mom!
Yeah I'm a little sad that we couldn't talk on the phone, but I'm not to beat up about it. I wrote a snail mail to tell you to expect it, but it must not have arrived in time.
But yes, I've officially started my mission, and I'm now in Colorado! I wrote you a short letter yesterday, but I'll go into more detail now. :)
So. Started the morning SUPER early. Our district woke up at 1:45am to finish packing and to clean up the room. We had to be at the MTC travel office at 3:30 am. After we got our ticket, we took a bus to the airport, and we were nearly late. The flight was only 45 minutes long, so I didn't even get a chance to nap :/ Once we arrived, we met our Mission President and his wife, the Toombs. They are the sweetest couple! I can't wait to get to know them better. They took is from the airport to the mission office, and we had about a six hour orientation. It was pretty good, but they went over a lot of mundane things. I ended up nodding my head a couple of times, I feel like a zombie I was so exhausted. After orientation, i met my companion, Sister Mataitusi. (She told me to call her Sister M, lol). She is really nice, and has a great love for missionary work. She's only been out in the field for one transfer, so six weeks. I'm serving in the Savory Ponds ward (Really lame name btw haha) in the West Minister stake. I'm actually in the mission presidents ward, which is awesome because I'll see him every week instead of like once a month.
After I met my companion, we drove over to a semi-active members home for dinner. It was delicious! So much boring than bland MTC food.
After dinner when went to our home. We live downstairs in a members house. Unfortunately I haven't gotten a chance to meet any of them yet. We have two other sisters that live with us, Sisters Hunt & Rook. Sister Hunt is crazily energetic, while Sister Rook is the shyest person I've ever met. All four of us drove to the bishops house to introduce myself. Bishop Johns is really cool, and is excited to work with us missionaries. He gave us a couple of in actives to go visit, and talked to us for a bit. At this point I'm basically falling asleep while I'm talking, since I got only two and a half hours of sleep. After the bishops house, we went tracking for a little while. We stopped at a inactive member house, and did a prayer approach. That's when you only go inside to see if they need anything, and then offer up a prayer. That's it, no lesson, and then your out again. It was really interesting, but I like it.
Once we got home, I unpacked a little bit and then finally I was able to go to bed lol.Waking up this morning was super hard, but now that I'm up and moving I'm completely fine. Mondays are our P-day, but since yesterday was transfers, today is our unofficial pday. After emailing, we're going to go shopping for food for me, and then go and do four hours of service at a place like the soup kitchen.
I'm excited.
Oh! Also, we get the chance to go to the temple every month, so that's really great. And we get to watch the ground breaking of the Fort Collins temple in a week, but just on the TV, we're not driving all the way up there for it.
But yeah, everything's great. I really love this area, and I can't wait to go teach some investigators. Unfortunately, me and my companion don't have a car, but bikes. :/ Oh well. Good work out, right? Luckily the other sister missionaries in our home drive us to some places, like to the store or whatever.
Since we live downstairs, the room gets pretty chilly at night, so would you order me a bedspread from Wal-Mart or something and send it to the mission home? I don't really care which one, but remember I have zebra print sheets so don't let it clash too much :)
I love you so much, and I cant wait to hear from you soon.
Pictures are coming in the next couple of emails.
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