Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Letter from 1/20/2015

Hi! Hello! Bonjour! Hey! Howdy! Hola! 

This week has been so great! I love love love my new area. I forgot what ite felt like to be so busy that you have to have to your car between appointments to save time haha. Teaching the gospel back to back to back. Its been truly wonderful.

Ruth and Jakob are both still excited about their baptisms in less than two weeks.

Ruth Main is the most prepared person I have ever taught. We went through most of the commandments with her last week- turns out she's already keeping them. Before we had even taught the word of wisdom, her and her husband Warren decided to dump all their alcohol down the drain, and threw out all their coffee. They paid tithing as well, before we even taught it. She was the one who brought up the scripture in Malachi about pouring blessings through the windows of heaven. Truly amazing. She's going to be relief society president in a year, I can just tell haha. 

The temple is closed for over a month, they are doing construction and expanding some areas, and so the two of them are preparing as many names as possible to take to the temple to do baptisms once it opens again. So amazing! 

Some other major highlights of the week include: going to Kids Quilts again to improve my sewing skills :) 

Went on exchanges with Hermana Hawkins on Saturday. 

Sister Peck and I found a new investigator, named Chacha. Both investigators came to church on Sunday and loved it. taught a total of 20 lessons this week. 

It rained. Then had sunshine. Then snowed. Then hailed. Then sun again, all in the span of a day. CO weather is so bipolar. 

And that's basically it! I'm really happy with this area, and I'm doing my best to finish strong, and not think of home too much. Super hard, when I only have 27 days left, but I'm working on it :)

Love you all so much! Hope you have a wonderful week :)

Sister Cannon

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