Big news first.
I didn't get transferred! I was so so so sure I was going to, I even started telling a couple of people goodbye which was way funny cause surprise I'm still here. I'm actually way happy about it. Sister Robbins got transferred. She'll be serving in a YSA ward up in Arvada, so that's super fun. My new comp is Sister Svedin. (Pronounced sfuh-deen, say it really fast haha) She seems super great. She's been about 3 transfers, so like Sister Robbins was when we became comps.
This week was pretty rough. Every lesson that could have canceled, canceled. The one saving grace was that we were able to meet with Cheri again. She is so wonderful. She is so looking forward to her baptism, she cant stop talking about it. She loves the Book of Mormon too, which is so fun. She always takes a lot of notes when we teach, and on what she reads. She really wants to learn as much as possible about the Gospel, which is really refreshing to see.
The weather has been so insane lately. One minute its 80 degrees, the next its pouring down rain and the tornado sirens go off. At church yesterday the alarms went off. I wanted to go see what it looked like sooo badly, but Sister Robbins wouldn't let us leave sacrament meeting to go see it. Lame. There was this one family who got scared and left to go home, to hide out in their basement. When I saw that I just wanted to tell them that they were being stupid, the safest place on earth that you could be in during a tornado, besides the temple is a church building. But of course I'm a missionary and cant call people stupid haha.
On Wednesday we had our Mission Conference. The entire mission got together to hear President and Sister Toombs last address. They leave in 3 weeks which is way sad. We had a professional photographer come in to take a picture of the entire group (256 missionaries and president and sister Toombs) We get to buy a copy of it if we want, which I probably will. Details to come.
I'm really really happy I get to stay this transfer. I get to see Cheri all the way through baptism, and Phil as well. I don't think I would like to stay another transfer after this one, but who knows :)
I hope you all hade a wonderful week!
I Love you sooo much!
<3 Sister Jessica Cannon
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